| 1. | Has the chinese side prepared a draft joint document already 中方是否已经准备了共同文件的草案? |
| 2. | An observatory officer will act as a rapporteur of this working group in preparing a draft meteorology chapter 天文台其中一名人员将会担任该工作小组的报告起草人。 |
| 3. | Pursuant to that section of the ordinance , the secretary for planning and lands has prepared a draft urban renewal strategy for public comments 根据该条例有关条文,规划地政局局长现已拟备市区重建策略的草案,以徵求公众意见。 |
| 4. | The chief executive in council has given directions to the country and marine parks authority to prepare a draft map for tung ping chau marine park 行政长官会同行政会议已通过,由郊野公园及海岸公园管理局草拟辟设东平洲海岸公园的规划地图。 |
| 5. | On the basis of the government s urban renewal strategy , the authority will prepare a draft corporate plan setting out its proposed programme of projects for the next five years 根据政府的市区重建策略,市建局须拟备一份胪列未来五年重建项目的事务计划草案 |
| 6. | Under sections 21 and 22 of the urban renewal authority ordinance , the ura has to prepare a draft corporate plan setting out its proposed programme of projects for the next five years and a draft business plan setting out the projects to be implemented in the next financial year . the ura is required to submit its draft corporate plan and draft business plan to the financial secretary for approval each year 按照市区重建局条例第21及22条的规定,市建局须拟备一份业务纲领草案,胪列拟于未来5年实施的项目,以及一份周年业务计划草案,列明将于下一个财政年度实施的项目,并须每年把有关业务纲领草案和业务计划草案呈交财政司司长批准。 |
| 7. | Generally speaking , if an area is to be included in a statutory outline zoning plan , the town planning board ( tpb ) shall prepare a draft plan in accordance with the town planning ordinance taking into account the relevant study findings and the views of professional departments 一般来说,若要将某地区纳入法定大纲图则内,城市规划委员会(城规会)须根据《城市规划条例》的规定,拟备法定大纲图。在拟备大纲图时,城规会会参考相关的研究资料和专业部门的意见。 |